Scarlet Heat by Nella Milano is an elegant patent red, super glossy, empowering & stylish. Scarlet Heat is from the Winter Soiree collection, a selection of fantastic red & berry tones, fabulous for toes too! The formulation of Nella Milano lacquers are superb, I can't praise them enough, here I've applied 2 coats with top coat. Please check out my other posts on Nella Milano Nail Lacquers, the colours are gorgeous and they're great for water marbling too. Excellent size 12ml bottle, great brush, slim cap and glossy finish. Check out my video below.
The lacquers are available from Nella Milano £8.95 a bottle with discount for Nail Professionals. This shade is Nella Milano's current shade of the week greatly reduced to £4.47 - wow! Check out my video below.
Fancy a discount? Please use my 20% discount code 'wendyspecial' at checkout at Nella Milano.
The lacquers are available from Nella Milano £8.95 a bottle with discount for Nail Professionals. This shade is Nella Milano's current shade of the week greatly reduced to £4.47 - wow! Check out my video below.
Fancy a discount? Please use my 20% discount code 'wendyspecial' at checkout at Nella Milano.
To the pics!

Nella Milano are based in the UK and you can keep up to date with them on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest & Instagram.