Monday, 26 November 2012

31 Day Nail Art - Green Nails

I'm a member of the Facebook Group British Nail Bloggers and Diva of The Teenage Shopaholic has organised for us (and anyone who wants to join) the infamous 31 Day Nail Art challenge which we are doing on a weekly basis rather than daily.

Day 4 - Green Nails.  I've got loads of green polishes and I love them all, but don't really wear them, why is that???

Coming up is my newest green, a lovely duochrome green & gold which was given to me by my lovely blogging chum Stephanie of Never Mind Suzy.  And what makes me chuckle about this polish is that it's called 'Woo' which is my nick name - Wendy Woo!  Love it!  Onto the pics, as you can see depending on the lighting and angle the polish can look different colours......

And don't forget to check out what Diva and Stephanie have created this week!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

31 Day Nail Art - Yellow Nails

I'm a member of the Facebook Group British Nail Bloggers and Diva of The Teenage Shopaholic has organised for us (and anyone who wants to join) the infamous 31 Day Nail Art challenge which we are doing on a weekly basis rather than daily.

Day 3 - Yellow Nails.  I've got about 3 yellow nail polishes and they all look the same!  So I decided to go with Barry M as I received it in a swap and haven't yet used it so thought I'd give it a whirl.  Plain yellow on it's own is B.O.R.I.N.G!  So I blinged them up with a bit of glitter & shimmer.

My camera hasn't captured the super sparkliness at all, they are pretty blingtastic...... onto the pics.

I started of with Barry M Lemon Ice Cream, don't look too close as you'll see the cat hair!

 Here's the bad boys I used, OPI Up Front & Personal, Nails Inc Chelsea Embankment, Barry M Lemon Ice Cream
  Oh, and I used those holey sticker things to do the ring finger mani effect!

And don't forget to check out what Diva and Stephanie have created this week!

Friday, 16 November 2012

Polish Addict Indie Polishes

I've been incredibly lucky and won a fabulous giveaway prize from Lace & Lacquers 1000 Facebook Likes Giveaway, a set of 2 Polish Addict Indie polishes called 50 Shades of Grey & After the Rain.

Beautiful super sparkly gitters, my camera doesn't do them justice, they are incredible in real the pics.....

50 Shades of Grey

After The Rain, I have my very early work Christmas Party this weekend and this is quite apt!

You can check out more of Polish Addicts wonderful polishes here on Facebook or her Etsy Shop, and please whiz over to Lace & Lacquers cool blog too x

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

The Lazy 15 Challenge - Dots

It's the third day of an exciting new challenge hosted by Totally Nailed called "The Lazy 15" named as such because we're too lazy to do a whole 31 days!

Today's challenge is dots, so here's my rainbow dots using mainly Nail Inc........

Here's the lovely Nails Inc Tower Street pre-dots

Please see below for fellow bloggers participating in this challenge, new joiners welcome!

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Llama Nails A-Z Challenge - I is for Innisfree

The A-Z challenge is hosted by Llama Nails on Facebook. Llama Nails is a group of nail enthusiasts that share their love of polish, stamping and nail art in a fun, creative, and non-dramatic atmosphere. Join them! All are welcome! The only rule we have is no drama, save it for the llama!

Week 9 is for I and I have chosen Innisfree polishes.  I've seen these a lot on blogs and I love a jelly sammich.  I got them off Ebay and they were a reasonable price for 4 polishes to I caved in.   Only downside is that one of the 'yoghurt' polishes wasn't available so I was sent a replacement which wasn't a glitter polish, but never mind.

First up Number 85, 3 coats.

Number 84, 3 coats

Here's Innisfree 84 on the left and Revlon Whimsical on the right, both 2 coats, Innisfree has a slightly more blue base and more glitter, in my opinion Innisfree is the winner!

Number 81, 2 coats

No 91, an acid yellow with a slight green shimmer running through it which can be seen in the bottle but not on the nails.  This is the replacement and it has a slight fragrance to it.

My fave out of all of them.....number 85.

If you'd like to see some more blogs participating in this challenge, please check out the links below.

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Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Polish Day - November Theme - MANicure

You may already be aware of Movember, the initiative to bring more attention to causes related to mens' health, particularly testicular cancer. And here's my mani to raise awareness for this cause......

If you'd like to see other bloggers taking part please see the links the below.....

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Monday, 5 November 2012

The Lazy 15 Challenge - Gradient

It's the second day of an exciting new challenge hosted by Totally Nailed called "The Lazy 15" named as such because we're too lazy to do a whole 31 days!

Today's challenge is Gradient which like the first day's challenge is yet another first for me.  This is what I really enjoy about these challenges is doing something you've never done before and achieving a not too bad result.

Now, I'm participating in a lot of challenges at the moment so if I can use one mani to revamp another then that saves me a lot of time and thinking!!  So I used my red mani as the base colour and added two colours on top, pink & turquoise.  I've seen the gradient tutorials so off I go to the cleaning cupboard, get out a new sponge/scourer (you know the one's you get from the pound shop for about 24!) dolloped a bit of each colour polish onto a piece of paper, dabbed the sponge onto the polish and then my nails, well......easy peasy lemon squeezy!  

A lot easier than I thought and for my first attempt, not bad, if you haven't done it give it a go, it's good fun, easy, simple, effective, as ever onto the pics........

I got these polishes from my local market for about £1 each, they're really sparkly unfortunately my camera doesn't pick up the sparkle, but honest....they are!!!

Please see below for fellow bloggers participating in this challenge, new joiners welcome!

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31 Day Nail Art - Red Nails

I'm a member of the Facebook Group British Nail Bloggers and Diva of The Teenage Shopaholic has organised for us (and anyone who wants to join) the infamous 31 Day Nail Art challenge which we are doing on a weekly basis rather than daily.

Day 1 - Red Nails.  I have about 300 polishes and I can count on one had how many of them are red!  Although I don't know why I don't wear red often as I love it when I do.  My fave red is Cutex Red She Said which is ancient, but it goes on really easy and it what I think a true red, topped with a bit of red glitter from Mavala Red Diamond.

And don't forget to check out what Diva and Stephanie have created this week!

Friday, 2 November 2012

The Lazy 15 Challenge - Tape Mani

First day of an exciting new challenge hosted by  Totally Nailed called "The Lazy 15" named as such because we're too lazy to do a whole 31 days!

This challenge is Tape Mani which is another first for me.  Had to have a few attempts and learnt along the way to pull the tape off while the top layer of polish is still wet, especially as some of the tape are holey.

Base coat is Nails Inc Shoreditch, 4 different tape varieties which I raided from my mum's craft box, topped with W7 black (which was an absolute pig to use), topped with some pink glitter. I'll deffo try a tape mani again, it's fun and you get a really good striking effect, oh and sorry for my poor index finger nubbin!  What a sorry state!  Onto the pics......

 This is the tape used on my middle finger

Here's the details of the Challenge if you'd like to join us

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