
Saturday, 18 February 2017

Chameleon Duo Chrome Nail Pigment from Nicole Diary

I have another pot of pigment powder from Nicole Diary to share with you.  This pigment is a duo chrome mirror effect, the shade is number 583 and is a blue/mauve colour shift.  Available at Amazon & Aliexpress.
First I applied a peel off base coat for easy removal of the gel polish.  I then painted and cured a clear gel base coat, painted regular black nail polish, applied and cured a no wipe gel top coat and then the fun began.  The 1g pot of duo chrome mirror pigment comes with a sponge applicator, I used a very small amount using the sponge applicator and rubbed onto my nails.  The effect took seconds to appear, truly amazing and mesmerising.  I applied another layer of gel top coat to seal in the duo chrome pigment.  My camera flash has obliterated the duo chrome colour shift effect but if you take a look at my last photo taken without a camera flash you can see the shift.
The pigment can be used over any colour, I used a black base, check out my video demonstration further down.
The holographic pigment from Nicole Diary at Amazon and available singularly at Aliexpress.
To the pics.
 Below - without camera flash, this shows the duo chrome effect better
You can find Nicole Diary on Amazon & Aliexpress for lots of cool nail art bargains and if you order please quote my coupon code We2016 and you'll receive a small free gift worth $2-$5.
You can follow Nicole Diary on Instagram


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