
Wednesday 9 May 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

I'm extremely delighted to have won a Versatile Blogger Award nominated by Lou of Purple Wolf Nails. How exciting! Thank you Lou, I feel very honoured and appreciated. Like Lou I don't know much about the VBA so I've had a read up of what to do next. Here are my 15 selected blogs which I follow to nominate for this award.

My nominees are:

Aimee's Nails
A Girl And Her Polish
A Polish Addict
BDP World
Beautifully Addicted to a Blog
Flutter And Sparkle
Life of a Sweetaholic
Nail Newbie
Obsessive Compulsive Nail Painting Disorder
Pink Diamonds & Sparkles
Pretty In Pink
Purple Wolf Nails
The Crumpet

I have to tell the person who nominated me 7 things about myself so here goes:
  1. I'm the mad cat woman of my street and a sucker for a stray or hungry puss, all welcome for a cuddle and a treat
  2. I work in Financial Services, yep yawn, but it's what I know and my Boss spoils me rotten with lots of Nails Inc Nail polish! Woop Woop.
  3. My fave nail polish brand is Nails Inc, such great deals on QVC and I'm in a swap group on Facebook, great way to spread the Nails Inc love and swap for some goodies
  4. My laptop is surgically attached to me and I take it where ever I go, even to the loo!
  5. I love gardening and flowers and create the most mahoosive hanging baskets in summer, it's all down to the feed
  6. I love a good ole cuppa tea and plenty of biscuits
  7. My favourite icon is Hello Kitty, gotta love that girl!
This is a link to the versatile blogger award rules versatile blogger award rules and those nominated get to add the award to their blog! Woohoo!!


  1. Hiya Jazzqueen64, I love the fact that your boss treats you with Nails Inc Nail Polish... How lucky are you? Maybe your boss could have a word with my boss, hahaha if only!!! I also love the sets from QVC although I've just received the Greige Collection from Nails Inc which I got with 20% off using the Instyle Magazine code! Are you a VIP member of Nails Inc? I am and I love the fact that you get 10% discount and a point for every £10 spent, Lou :D x

    1. Hi Lou, yes have recently signed up for the Nails Inc VIP thingy but haven't bought anything yet. I think you also get something on your birthday too? Thank you for the Award, it's a great way to spread the blog love of polish!!

    2. Yeah I believe you get a £5 voucher which is a great bonus! It's my birthday next month and I've already given my mum and sisters a list of Nails Inc polishes that I NEED! haha I really can't wait to see what the birthday fairy brings me!

      You're very welcome for the award :) x

  2. Thank you! Very sweet of you to include me! :)
